Wednesday 7 October 2020

Keep on walking/hobbling!

Pink clouds in the sky this morning and another very nice day to follow. The weather this week has been nothing like the forecast, best make the most of it!
I went to the shop fairly early while it is quieter and took some photos in the front garden. A whole lot of Michaelmas daisies, more fungi and some lovely golden chrysanthemums just opening.

I did gather some bulbs together ready for planting, but the rested my legs and finished reading Them Thursday Murder Club, which was very entertaining, very clever and funny. After lunch I thought that trying to keep up some walking was better than stooping putting bulbs in, will do them eventually, so set of with walking stick off towards the sea. Not a rough sea today, nice skies though and some work going on to the paths next to the sand.

Quite a lot of folk around enjoying some late summer sun. I was aching pretty well when I got home but that has settled down now, so hopefully I can continue getting out a bit while we are still allowed to! Tomorrow we have deliveries arriving so maybe it will be a b job planting day unless the rain arrives,


  1. The pink clouds do look a nice way to start the day. From your pics it’s been very nice up there. We’ve have clear skies all day and some lovely sunshine at times too. I didn’t get to see the sea though ☹️
    The beach looks really inviting for a walk, but the uneven ground isn’t possibly the best for you at the minute. Still nice to get and see it even if you can’t get on it. I’m sure you’ll get back to some sort of normality eventually, assuming the world actually gets back to some sort of normality first!
    Don’t go mad in that garden tomorrow!

  2. It really was a very nice day, the wind was a bit chilly but still lovely. No, didn’t venture onto the beach as I was using the stick today.
    No intention of over doing it tomorrow!
