Saturday 10 October 2020

Keep on walking.....

A few days ago I bought a picnic basket because the cats have been fighting over a waste paper basket which is woven. The new one has got a bar across the middle but should be accessible. But of course, cats being cats no interest shown in it. I had put it downstairs near the other one but yesterday moved it up into my sitting room fairly near where Pandora sometimes curls up. And, leaving it out of the way Pandora decided to give it a try!
I went shopping first thing and then I took a walk to the sea front. I managed to get there without using my walking stick. I did sit down and have a drink before I walked home. Two of the photos look dark but that is because I was taking them into the sun.

I called in a couple of shops on the way home and have taken it pretty easy since then. In the garden this afternoon, I went to puts some peanuts for the bird into the greenhouse, I took a picture of the opening large pampas.
And also a bit of autumn colour in the beech tree.
Got some lovely stickers through the post today from my sister in law. Will finish with them.


  1. Aren’t cats picky and frustrating at times! Looks like it’ll be a success though. No doubt Blue will now decide to use it too and cause fights. You spoil all the animal life around that place 😊
    Glad you made it to the sea front again. I quite like those darker pics. The first one in particular is lovely. Looks like it has been a reasonable day up there. Supposed to be a nice day in my neck of the woods tomorrow so hopefully it’ll be the same for you. Boot sale tomorrow?

  2. I wouldn’t be surprised if they both decide they want to be in the new basket.
    I am pleased I have managed a bit more walking this week, hopefully it will continue.
    Yes, weather permitting we are going to the boot sale,
