Sunday 18 October 2020

Leaves and cats!

I did go to the boot sale with Darren early this morning, had our breakfast as usual and a good look round, I actually didn’t buy anything and 
Darren got a couple of 50p items. It was a lovely morning although the wind was quite chilly to start. Sky was pretty again.
We had dinner early today as Tina was going out this evening, fed the cakes while I was in the kitchen, I think that is about seven feeds now, haven’t been making a note of them this year, but haven’t missed any weeks.
This afternoon I went out into the garden and got all the leaves I had piled up into two very large garden bags for now. Didn’t do a lot more as my knees were locking up a bit.
Martin, one of the HUG volunteers made a composting frame for us, beginning to get some weeds and a few leaves into it now!
I went out into the summer house for a while this afternoon and had one cat on the chair next to me and the other one on guard at the door!

I have been wrapping the presents for America and getting them into a package, hopefully will get it sent off tomorrow, may have to set down when they tell me the postage!
We also had a shopping delivery come and Darren and I got that sorted quite quick, lovely delivery guy.


  1. That does look a nice morning for car booting. Can’t believe you came home empty handed though. It must have been a poor day! At least you had breakfast.
    Can’t believe it’s seven weeks since you made the cakes. That time seems to have flown by. Soon be Christmas......humbug!
    The leaves are a never ending task this time of year, but then the whole garden seems to be a never ending task anyway. You’ve more patience, and stamina than me. Like the composter. Don’t think it’ll take you long to fill that up.
    At least you got a bit of time to sit in the summerhouse with your guard cats. Love the title of the book 😊

  2. The title is more fun than the contents, but thought I would try a challenging read for a change, R D Laing was recommended to me as someone that I might appreciate his thinking about schizophrenia.
    Never ending story is certainly apt for this garden, but progress has been made. When I am outside the cats are never far away,
