Tuesday 13 October 2020

Bad leg day!

Not been too far afield today, I walked down the main street today and was rally in a lot of pain as I walked back, so the body was telling me not to Verdi things today! Tina had a delivery and in it she had bought me some crow stickers. We are both great fans of the crows! These were sold as Halloween decorations, but they can be for all round the year as far as I am concerned! Have put three up on my window and am still deciding about the other two.

While I was out I called in at the sewing shop which is closing down soon and they have been selling off the stock. I bought four yards of material, all the same colour but with different animals on. The hot in artificial light isn’t accurate the background is a sort of pale sage green.
 I started cutting out some masks yesterday as I have a feeling people may be wanting some extras. I bought and washed the owl material in Withernsea yesterday. I will carry on for a while this evening, I have one tape left of the book I am listening too. Hoping the knees will feel a little less painful tomorrow,


  1. Sorry to hear you had so much pain today. Hopefully staying around the house for the rest of the day has helped a bit. The soon er things get back to some form of normality and you can get the op the better.
    The crow stickers are very unusual, perfect for you as you like to be different 😊 Hope you don’t get any other birds dive bombing the windows to get at them!
    I think you’re right about the masks, we could be needing them for a while. Apart from the idiots who won’t wear them that is and there’s plenty of them about!
    Hope you wake up in a bit less pain tomorrow.

  2. Legs are feeling a little easier tonight, so fingers crossed!
    I love the crows!!
