Friday 21 August 2020

Temporary new role!

Tina has set the  night camera so that it takes stills as well as videos. The camera is at the bottom of the garden now but the foxes appear down there and search out leftover bird food, we still don’t know where they are coming into the garden of leaving it, we have change the viewpoint again tonight and see what that shows. I will add three stills, not great but still interesting.

This morning I did an hour working on the large bed in the front garden, the wind was so strong I was nearly blown over a couple of times and the garden cart took off down to the house! Didn’t take any pictures. I removed some dead poppies and did save some seeds.
Blue was limping this morning so Tina took her to the vet at lunch time, she has a bite that has become infected. She had antibiotic and pain killing injections and Tina has medicine to start using on Saturday.
After lunch we went across to the church, I was acting as second verger at a funeral, and then helped to clean the church after the service. Two verges are needed at the moment to ensure that social distancing measures are followed.
When we were out putting food down for the foxes and adjusting the camera I took a photo of the eerie looking sun!
I have been practicing writing out a poem this evening, not great, the pen started to run out half way through and my hand was complaining, but happy with it as a first attempt.
Will probably watch a Vera this evening,


  1. The fox pictures are not bad at all, I find them very interesting but still prefer the videos. It’ll be interesting to find out where they’re getting into the garden. I suppose they do climb but I just can’t envisage them scaling an 8ft wall! All this started because you thought you had a hedgehog, so it would be good if you did catch one on camera one evening. But getting the camera has been great.
    Glad you didn’t go too mad in the garden again today, but an hour is plenty for anyone.
    So now you’ve added part-time verger to your list of skills. Your talents are endless 😊
    The poem looks very good, especially for a first attempt. It looks pretty spot-on to me.
    Enjoy a bit of tv .

  2. I am sure we will solve the entry and exit issue at some point, we will try different angles until we get some answers. No hint of a hedgehog, perhaps there never was one!
    May have another go at the poem tomorrow, will see how I feel.
