Monday 3 August 2020

Sea, garden and different memories!

This morning I ventured out and made my way to the past office and then up to see the sea. Did call in a couple of shops so mask and gel at the ready. Walking any distance has become a bit of a challenge so got a take away drink and sat on a bench before making the journey home.

A lovely morning and some sparkly sea! On the way home I spotted this very unusual dahlia in a garden, want one!
I was quite tired when I got home so cut out a couple of headbands ready for sewing, I had been asked to make a couple more yesterday. 
After lunch I went out into the garden, I have tidied one corner of the walled garden, moved some pots and emptied others, got the long planter up onto the concrete bench and got the curly kale seedlings in, also got the lovely coleus we got the other day into a pot and displayed a nice white begonia next to it. One of the sunflowers is just beginning to open and as you can see is now as high as the top of the wall!

Have been to see Sarah and David for a while this evening and going to watch the first ever Line of Duty tonight.
Will finish with a couple of different memories, two years ago.
And ten years ago!


  1. Well sitting on the bench with a hot drink looking at the sea is a good thing to do regardless of challenged walking or not. I certainly wouldn’t need any other reason than the nice view to purchase myself there for a while.
    Blimey, that dahlia is unusual. Never seen one like that before. It must be a mutant 😊
    The walled garden is looking good. Very neat and tidy, well the bit in front of the camera anyway. You could have thrown all the rubbish behind the camera and we jus5 can’t see it!
    I remember the Princess Ann pic, and Isobel looks soooo cute 😊

  2. Yes, being able to sit by the sea makes up for a lot!
    Very strange dahlia, but very funky!
    No rubbish behind the camera, but still plenty to do behind the pots etc.

  3. Hey, I recognise that baby! What a cutie 😘
