Sunday 2 August 2020

Not quite barge painting!

Yesterday evening I painted on one of the metal flower buckets that I got at the boot sale a couple of weeks ago. Had done a design of my own style of barge painting, I think it looks attractive on the white. I have a mauve one as well which might not look quite so effective.
I have kept fairly busy today but it hasn’t been a picture taking day. Having said that I took three which I will post in a bit and couldn’t decide which I like best so they are all arriving!
This morning I went to the church with Tina to help her first public service go as smoothly as possible. Everybody that came followed the instructions and were all wearing masks. A lot of thought had gone into getting things as safe and clear as possible and it went very well.
I did get out into the garden for about half an hour before lunch but it was really hot again, but I got some more seed out and as it is supposed to be cooler tomorrow should be able to really get on and maybe finish it.
The gladioli are opening in the back garden now, I have them coming up everywhere but I really like them so the more the merrier!
The triple pics are of a bee on a cornflower which I noticed as I took stuff up to the garden bin. Pretty well focused this time so can’t pick just one!

Spent quite a time in the kitchen getting dinner, including fruit crumble and made a few buns as well. 
Went upstairs to make a phone call to my sister in law and when I can down Tina had almost finished watering the back garden so I just had the walled garden to are a star Tina!
Will finish with one more picture from Ghana. This young man was called Maswell and I grew quite attached to him, but he had been licking on the streets and decided life at the orphanage wasn’t for him and disappeared.
Will watch the second episode of A Suitable Boy and see if I take to it!


  1. That bucket looks really nice, I do like the flower pattern much better than the normal rose type one that they usually have. As you say I don’t think it looks quite so affective on a mauve bucket.
    Glad to hear the service went ok. It’s been a while since the Rev has done a public service like that, so it’s good that people turned out for it, and behaved themselves too. Hopefully it’ll get better as the weeks go by, assuming we’re all not in lockdown again ☹️
    Third bee pic I think.
    I really must get some fruit and some cream so I can make crumble. I always fancy it when you talk about it. I’ll add it to my shopping list now.........done it.
    You’ll have to remember the phone call trick another time if it gets the garden watered for you! She planned it Tina 😊
    I must admit I was quite surprised you didn’t smuggle one of the kids back with you from Ghana. I know what a softy you are 😊

    1. I think the design is simple but looks good, I have the watering can to attack at some point!
      Tina certainly hopes that ‘proper’ services can continue, all they are obviously very different, I am sure people will get the hang of the new ‘normal’.
      Fruit crumbles are a favourite in this house, especially with copious amounts of cream!
      They were great, happy kids at the orphanage and had absolutely nothing. Quite an eye opener!
