Sunday 23 August 2020

Boot sale and more cakes

This morning ai collected the memory card from the camera, there was a lot of activity but most of the footage was blank due to low battery. There were a couple of brief glimpses of the foxes in the early ones. Obviously there is enough power in daylight so caught two blackbirds for a change!
I am not sure if Pandora senses that Blue has been poorly but they seem to be more tolerant of each other particularly Pandora as she usually boxes 
Blues ears when they have sniffed each other for a few seconds! This morning before we went out I let the cats out, they were actually sitting almost together on the pavers outside the front door, by the time I had grabbed the phone Blue had moved a bit.
We set off for the boot sale just after 7.30 am, a nice morning and it was quite busy again. We enjoyed our breakfast and set off, I didn’t manage the full circuit as I was struggling a bit but enjoyed what I did see. I went and had another drink while Darren carried on, he came back with a little milk bottle full of sweet peas. He had Tina in mind but she really doesn’t like the smell, so I have Gaines some very pretty flowers and my room is scented!
I did buy a few bits, we always find something,
I took a photo of a great trailer.
When we got home I mixed and got a couple more cakes into the oven, I had weighed most things up last night. They are cooled and packed away now, so just one more to make this year.
I took the steps out to try and prop up the remaining sunflowers, the two largest ones were snapped in the wind,.

Managed to get a reasonable photo of the tiniest little bug on the veg plants,
I haven’t been able to get suet logs for one of my bird feeders since lock down began, so I have started buying suet blocks and cutting them up, they do break a lot but they work and the birds eat them all every day.
I got the cut outs from Mike yesterday and I started painting a box last night, I used a tester pot of Java Bean, a dark brown. I used it with another colour on the top and today have painted the pieces antique gold. I will varnish the box but maybe not tomorrow. I have to go to town again to try and get my tickets printed for my trip to Peterborough.


  1. You have been using the camera a fair bit so the batteries haven’t done too bad really. Maybe eventually get some rechargeables. It does make a change to see something other than foxes, and daylight too!
    You could be right about Pandora sensing Blue not been so good. They seem to be able to do the same thing with people too.
    Glad you enjoyed the boot sale. Shame you couldn’t make it around it all, but at least it stops you buying too many things 😊 I like the funky trailer you took a picture of. I’ve seen similar ones. They are usually window companies displaying and selling their windows.
    Shame the sunflowers didn’t make it. But at least you’ve still got some left, so fingers crossed we don’t get such high winds as we’ve been having lately.
    The amount of work, and money you put into feeding the wildlife does pay off as you do have a good selection that visit regular. They definitely know where they’re well off 😊
    I really like the box. You just need to find some treasures to keep in it now. I’m sure you’ve got lots.
    Good luck with getting the tickets.

    1. Just replied and it wouldn’t go, hope we are not starting that nonsense again!
      We have enjoyed seeing the activity on the camera, would be nice to catch some other wild life but we love seeing the foxes.
      The winds were extra bad and we have plenty of strong winds up here,
      I am pleased with the book so thanks again.
