Tuesday, 4 August 2020

Two become three!

For months we have had a pair of seagulls coming down for food every day. They have been known to dive bomb me if I don’t get out of the way quick enough! They see off any other seagulls who think they may visit so just the two of them, they often drink from the water bowls as well as enjoying copious amounts of mealworms! They have been nesting on our roof and for some time now the baby has been looking down and calling. Today he or she was down in the garden, did see it fly, as sometimes fall off before they are ready, great to see it but I worry about the cats hurting it as it wasn’t scared when I walked by, used to seeing me I suppose. Anyway Tina assures next that should it get injured she knows what vets will treat them! The pictures are not great, taken through the window with the phone, but you can see that baby has arrived!

We had some lovely hydrangea plants delivered yesterday and today I have planted two in the back garden, one in the front and another in a pot to stand on the patio. I spent a while moving fruit trees away and clearing weeds and moss from the patio so the the plants on there could be displayed more attractively. Moved the little water feature too.
Had a delivery just after lunch of rather a lot of feed for the birds, should have to buy anything for a couple of weeks now!!
This afternoon I made a couple more head bands for one of the ch ur home members, headless giraffes on one of them re wash a lot of material!
I went out and watered the gardens, that took about an hour and a half but shouldn’t need to tomorrow now. My legs have been the worst they have ever been today, have been really struggling. Hoping this isn’t how it will be from now on! Have got four masks cut out and ready for assembly as I have an order for nine form a friend in Kent and I didn’t have enough! Will try and get them finished and sent off tomorrow,


  1. The baby seagull looks very healthy, but it should with the amount of food you get for the birds! I would hope that amount of feed would last for two months, not two weeks 😊 The wildlife around there has it made!
    You’ve kept yourself pretty busy again. I’m sure most of the trouble with your legs is from the gardening, even though I know you take it a bit easier out there these days....sometimes! Even watering for an hour and a half is hard work being on your feet all the time. Maybe you should set up lots of sprinklers and just turn them on each night.
    More headbands and masks, you’ll wear that machine out! You’ll have to start knocking them out a couple of a dozen at a time so you have a good stock. I think we’ll be needing them for a while yet.

  2. The baby gull does seem healthy and was enjoying the mealworms.
    Good to get the headbands finished and have made a good start with the masks so should get them done tomorrow. That will be enough for this batch as I did have some ready made.
    The watering is a real chore but necessary.
