Saturday 22 August 2020

Late cake making!

The garden camera is now set up to take stills as well as videos as I mentioned yesterday. We changed the position of the camera, not a great deal of activity but one reasonable one of a single fox and one of the two crossing the screen a way off.

We have set it in a different position tonight.
I bought ingredients for the delayed Christmas cake making on Thursday. I had forgotten the butter so got that when I did the early weekend shop this morning. It took such a long time, lining the tins is a job on its own, but I got everything weighed out and sorted before I begun, I have been known to be putting the mixture into the tin when I remember I have forgotten something! So, have made the first two, they smell and look fine, and a few additions of brandy over the next couple of months should make them up to usual standard! Sadly not so many folk will be tasting them this year.......
This afternoon I went for a ride to Cherry Lane garden centre with Tina, she had seen an email about adjustable side tables. No tables but we did get some hedgehog food for the foxes! Also got some suet blocks for the birds and a very cute cow which was reduced drastically! 
Perfect timing because the peacock ornament we got when first here has been slowly fouling apart for some time now and this morning made its way to the bin!!
This evening before and after tea I measured out the ingredients for another two cakes so it is all in containers ready for making tomorrow. Have also lined the tins so it shouldn’t take too long to get them into the oven when we are back from the boot sale.
We went down to move the camera and put the food out. Took a picture of this plant beginning to open up. It did have two stems but the wind broke the other one. Quite a lot of damage to the plants during the latest gales.
Mike went me some great decorations for a box, they arrived today, he designed and then cut them on his new machine. I have placed them on this box just to show them off, they won’t be staying on that one as it isn’t right for them, I have started painting another box so there may be an update tomorrow.
Have watched the last Casualty to be screened for a while. Back to the puzzle book I think!


  1. One of these nights you’re going to catch something different on that camera. Maybe a hedgehog or maybe a rat or some other sort of rodent. it’s all good fun though.
    The cakes look delicious as they normally do. You did well to remember to put everything in them this year. I can remember you forgetting some of the ingredients and having to whip them out the oven quick 😊 Was that last year?
    I like the new cow for the lawn. I hope it doesn’t frighten off the foxes as they always look pretty nervous anyway. It could give you quite a shock in the dim light!
    How are the sunflowers coping with the high wind?
    Glad the decorations arrived in one piece. They look quite nice now I can see them actually on the box. I’ll look forward to seeing them when you put them to their final use.

    1. Not sure if it was last year, I often used to manage to forget maybe just one thing. Have been know to leave them out if not a major ingredient, the brandy makes them good anyway!
      Two of the sunflowers are broken, will try and prop up the others tomorrow.
      It would be good to see another creature, we have been fascinated by seeing slugs and worms, it is a good camera!

  2. Just checking something on the blog!
