I went down to the shop before it got any hotter or overcrowded with holiday makers, so that was lunch sorted.
I did go out into the garden and started on a bed that was shaded, not shaded anymore by the time I had finished!

That was enough, very hot and humid again. Must try a bit harder with the rain dances! I spent time this afternoon sorting through gifts and cards as I have a few birthdays to remember this month and as I won’t be seeing any of them had better get them ready for sending.
Went down for a drink on the patio and Tina joined me for a bit. She put the little solar powered fountain into one of the bird drink bowls as the seagull kept attacking it when it was on the grass. With the sun today we had never seen it working so well!
This was about all the cloud we mustered this afternoon, so the rain dance definitely isn’t working!
I know a lot of people don’t like foxes, but I think they are lovely. That one looks quite young to me. It’s so good being able to capture things like that with your new camera. You should get lots of fun from it. Nearly as good as a hedgehog anyway!
ReplyDeleteYou are bad for doing gardening on a hot day like today. I know you did it in the shade, and early but you’re still bad!
Hopefully your rain dances will soon have some affect, as we really could do with some, if for no other reason than just to cool everywhere down.
The forecast does say we should be getting some rain very soon, but as we all know they’ve been wrong before.
We were thrilled to see the fox, have put more food out tonight in case he/she turns up again.
ReplyDeleteIt was hot outside that is why I didn’t do as much as I had planned to.
Still hoping we may catch a bit of the rain but not holding my breath.