Saturday 15 August 2020

Is that really comfortable?

Last night Pandora decided to sit on the back of my chair. The back cushion moves and I was propping her up for getting on for a couple of hours! She stayed when I moved and took up different poses, all on the precarious side!

This morning I went out into the garden after I had been shopping. Spent a bit over an hour today and it was a bit harder as there were some very big weeds with long roots! Got a couple of carts of weeds etc out, so onward and upward!

I finished painting the eagle and spent some time writing out the poem it see what size it needed to be. I couldn’t draw guide lines as it is on a canvas, tried to put some guide lines behind but it didn’t work. So had to wing it and do the best I could. Not too bad, although could be a lot better!
I am going to enter it in the St Nicholas horticultural show, there are some craft classes. I am going to make a couple of cards to enter as well, I have stamped some toadstools and will paint it with my pearlescent watercolours.
After I had a bit of a chat with Lee and family I watered the gardens. It did start to rain lightly as I finished, but the more water the merrier.


  1. She looks very comfortable all things considered!
    That bed looks a bit better after some attention. It’s deceiving though, as you’d think pulling a few weeds would be easy. I know the sort of weeds you have there, so I know how you struggle with the roots. Nothing is ever easy, but that’s a bit more done for now.
    I think the canvas is great. If it were just the eagle on its own it’d be good, but the poem just finishes it off. I think you did extremely well to get that text as straight as you have considering it was freehand! The toadstools lend themselves to the watercolours nicely, so I look forward to seeing the finished article. Good luck in the show.

  2. Strange little, or not so little now, cat, she was determined to stay there yesterday evening.
    I pulled a few weeds while I was watering this evening, the front has some tall ones that are reasonably easy to remove.
    Pleased with the eagle, it has been a plan since I saw a bit of the poem in one of my puzzle books,
    I really do like the toadstool stamps and the pearlescent water colours are perfect for them.
    Boot sale tomorrow, weather permitting.
