Sunday 30 August 2020

Boot sale bargains and a quiet day

I took a couple of pictures of the sky this morning. It wasn’t spectacular but pretty and a real change from the grey skies we have had this last week. I was out early feeding the birds, Darren and I were off to the boot sale at 7.30 am.

After breakfast we had a good wander round the sale, plenty of cars today and very busy by the time we were leaving, we bought quite a few bits, I loved this cap, a whole fifty pence.
Quite a few bits, the things on the right were for Tina, the large Bible map book was 50p as well.
I also got a tape playing machine, mine has been eating my tapes and I have some audio books on tapes. The man had put batteries in the player and put a tape in so I know it works, but it does have the power lead too.
After dinner Tina and I went out into the garden to put fox food down and collected the camera, which isn’t working and has to go back. We sat on the swing seat for a while and then Pandora joined us!

I am looking forward to seeing the new episode of Strike this evening,


  1. A nice sky to start the day, specially on a booting day. Funky cap, very stylish and a bargain to boot. Lots of other good stuff too. The bible map book was a real good bargain at 50p. Bet it’s interesting. The tape machine looks like a decent quality one. Should be well built if it’s a Sony. I don’t suppose most people want tapes any more. Does make you feel old! Hopefully you’ll make good use of it and keep it in service for a few more years.
    Nice to get the swing chair christened. Hopefully we’ll get some decent weather so you can get some proper use from it.
    Enjoy the program, I’m recording it.

  2. Been a bit of a lazy day, but enjoyable, may try and get myself into the garden for a bit tomorrow.
    We did well at the boot sale today, we both really enjoy it and wore the masks most of the time.
    Looking forward to sitting out on the swing chair with my book, and we can perhaps get the canopy on tomorrow.
    Strike was very good,
