Thursday 13 August 2020

Mostly craft, not a lot of exercise!

This morning I did take the phone out when I fed the birds as yesterday the baby seagull was sitting in one of the water trays, it was down with a parent today and then they flew up onto the walled garden wall. I went to see if the hedgehog food had gone and got the card out of the camera.

I have some tomato plants in the main greenhouse, in flower pots. They are dying off and have not done as well as the ones in the walled garden, y can boast the first one that is turning red!
The dahlia in the back garden deserves another entry, it is gorgeous!
Thursday is usually Tina’s day off but she had a couple of meetings pencilled in for today so we went and had breakfast after she had done morning prayers. We went to a little cafe on the sea front, pretty well organised for Covid 19 with good food and pleasant staff. There was a sea fret and it has remained cloudy and cooler all day. Quite bleak looking sea and not many folk about,.

We have a clematis in the front garden opposite where Tina usually parks. Pretty bell like flowers and when they have finished they become what we call ‘old men’s beards’! We both really like this plant.
The rest of the day I have spent decorating one of the large boxes I bought a while back. They were cheap but I am disappointed as they are very poor quality. Wood burning didn’t go well on one, and I thought about painting one today but the surface is awful. So have been decoupling the outside, have put felt on the bottom and have painted inside, will put a couple of work in progress pics and hopefully have the finished article tomorrow.

The legs haven’t been good today so wash tempted to go in the garden. Might see if the box is dry enough for me to put a final coat over the decoupage.


  1. A day without much exercise isn’t such a bad thing at times. You certainly make up for it other days. Plus you still done a fair few other things and kept yourself busy. It’s not as though you’ve been lazing around doing nothing, although occasionally that’s not a bad thing to do either. Breakfast by the sea is always a good start too.
    What with seagulls, foxes, squirrels, various other birds and hopefully at some point hedgehogs, your back garden is a right menagerie. It’s great though.
    I can see why they call the clematis old men’s beards, as it resembles my grey beard when I had one!
    I quite like that box decoupaged with that particular paper, it looks really nice. I’m sure you’ll make a silk purse out of a pigs ear anyway, and they’ll look a lot better than they did when they arrived.

  2. Pleased with the box now, it is almost finished, certainly better than I thought.
    It was a very nice breakfast, set us up for the day, and nice to see the sea whatever the weather.
    It has made a change really getting stuck into a project and seeing it through. Usually get distracted and end up with a load of things half done!
