Thursday 20 August 2020

Off to Beverley

This morning Tina and ai set off quite early to drive to Beverley. We were going to visit The Refill Jar, we have had several deliveries from them but thought it would be good to go in person. The journey went really well and Tina found a small car park that was pretty near where we wanted to be. We had to wait outside the shop for a good while and once inside it is a slow process which made my legs really ache, but that was no fault of the lovely guy, who was working on his own and having to weigh lots of stuff for everybody! 
I had taken lots of containers as after thinking long and hard even having Darren say ‘give it a miss this year’ when I mentioned I was late with making 
Christmas cakes! In the end I slimmed the list down and will make five. The containers came in handy!
We walked down Well Lane and Tina noticed the eels on the pavement!
We found a nice cafe to have a drink and cake and had the upstairs to ourselves to start with. One other couple came up there before we left!
We went to the antique centre where I have bought a couple of spider things twice before, from the same cabinet. So went to the same cabinet and it had two spider pieces in today! The brooch was a bit blingy but the pendant was similar to the huge one I bought there some time ago and was only £5. In another cabinet I spotted a pair of silver and marcasite earrings, very reasonable, so bought them as well!
We went back to the car and then off to Morrison’s. We had lunch there, very well organised and they were doing the 50% off all week! We then shopped and I got the rest of the ingredients for the cakes.
Very hot and we were both tired when we got back. So not a lot of activity since. I have put out food for the foxes, we had the camera in a different place last night and one of the foxes seemed to be hoovering up the bird pellets, so have sprinkled a few more of those around as well!


  1. Well you certainly picked a good day for a little trip out with Tina. The weather here has been glorious, and I assume it’s been pretty much the same for you too. I do like the places where you can fill up your own container. We don’t have anything like that around town, not that I know of anyway. I’m not sure if I’ve been to that one in Beverly with you before or if it was to the one in Scarborough.
    It’s probably a good idea cutting back on the Christmas cakes this year. It is a lot of effort, and I’m sure you can find better things to do with your time.
    Why were they eels on the pavement, or do you not have a clue?
    I like your new spider brooch, it had to be had 😊 anyway, shopping trips are for treating yourself, and to be honest it wasn’t a bad price.
    Are you going to try another new place hope the camera tonight? I’ve been enjoying watching the videos that Tina has posted, keep them coming.

  2. It is the first time I have been to the Refill Jar, very different to the one in
    Scarborough, it isn’t self service it is weighed out for you, that is why every customer is there some time. They do liquids as well.
    Tina thought the eels were on the pavement because it was Well Lane, not sure if eels are in wells but it seemed like a reasonable explanation,
    The camera is turned a bit more towards the back of the garden, we still don’t know where they come in and out,
