Tuesday 25 August 2020

Lovely time with Anya in Doncaster and garden activity at night.

This morning Tina drove me into Hull so that I could catch the train to Doncaster. Nothing much open on the station and most people wearing masks, even the statue!
Thought this was an unusual sight on one of the stations en route.
Anya travelled to Doncaster by train as well and was waiting when I got out of the lift. We went into Frenchgate shopping centre and had a drink and started to catch up on news etc as we hadn’t actually seen each other for about six months. We had a wander round and we both liked the layout of the centre and the spaciousness. Liked this Book Exchange set up.
We went to Taco Bell for lunch, they were doing the half price deal so a bit meal for silly money!
Thanks for that one Anya!
We had another wander round and had a selfie back at the book exchange,
We had another drink while we waited for my train as Anya’s was a bit later. It was a lovely time, we wore the masks all day which was a new experience.
I had about the right amount of time to make my was to the bus stop, as it happens the bus was actually about ten minutes late and then was held in traffic for a long time. But the driver put his foot down when we were out of the town and it was more or less on time when we arrived in Hornsea. Tina had left tea organised which was good. She was. Held up at a meeting so Darren and I ate and kept hers warm.
Looked at last nights videos with Tina, they were pretty interesting, I will put some stills on the blog now.
A couple of just a fox.

The two foxes together, we think it is a mother a cub, they did have a couple of spats on the video.
There was a tabby cat last night and in both these shots it is aware of the fox, but held it’s ground and carried on eating later.

A tiring but really lovely day.
Watching the final Morse episode now.


  1. Glad you had a good day. Tina giving you a lift into Hull helps quite a bit with the journey.
    Looks like you had a good time, and a nice meal too. Wearing a mask for any length of time is an odd experience, but better safe than sorry.
    Saw the videos from last night. Definitely looks like a mother and cub. Quite a variety of wildlife in that one spot.
    Enjoy your program.

  2. It was a good day and a nice place to meet up and a reasonable journey from both Hull and Peterborough. A few hours together and both home at a reasonable time.
    Certainly some more activity on the camera last night, it is interesting.
