Friday 19 June 2020

Waste not want not!

I will get the pictures out of order a bit today as I want to explain the heading first. We had takeaway last night and there were chips left over. Today I put them out next to the water dishes for the birds. I was close enough to get decent pictures, will just put a couple, the second one is just so funny!

Yesterday evening I did a couple of sketches as ideas for Sarah and David who are putting down new purple slate in the front of their house and want to get some planters, very low maintenance, they asked for some suggestions. I took photos of different planters as the garden centre and I am going to try to get sketches done of the different styles.

Pandora left me along as she was much more interested in an insect that was buzzing around!
This morning I went out to start trying to dig up some of the roots in the area near the summer house. Had to move the pink cart planter as it is that side we want to get sorted and then hopefully use weed inhibitor and then pave it. I didn’t do a very big area before the rain threatened but did get quite a lot of roots out!

The broken agapanthus flower stem is doing well, I changed the water today and trimmed a bit more from the bottom of the stem.
The Gtech grass trimmer was delivered at lunch time, we assembled it and put the battery on charge then we had a drive out to a farm shop to get stocked up with some nice meat. We weren’t out long and then and when we got back, after a cuppa, we went into the garden. I decided to try and use the trimmer, at first I couldn’t master it at all and was very disappointed but kept trying and did master it, almost! The edge of the path isn’t too bad!

Then I put in a few more plants while Tina was doing some of the heavier root digging!
Will finish again with another pretty amazing National Geographic photo!


  1. Seagulls will eat anything! I bet they’re pretty used to chip living by the seaside. I did see one once take in a whole hotdog sausage in one go! They are funny things though. As you say, waste not want not.
    That’s a good idea, doing sketches of the planters. You can add garden design consultant to your ever growing list of talents. I quite like the second pots and plants.
    That garden of yours must be one mass of roots. You do seem to manage to remove a lot. The one the Rev is showing off is a monster. She obviously has a talent for it. You should let her take charge of them in the future 😊
    The new GTech looks nice. I’m sure you soon get the hang of it. The edging you’ve done today looks really good. Anything that helps has to be a good piece of equipment.
    Love the last pic. That’d encourage you to paddle a lot faster 😊

  2. The seagull wasn’t going anywhere, that’s how I got such a good close picture.
    Yes a lot of roots, Tina is good at getting the bigger ones out!
    Have done a couple more sketches then they can have some ideas to work with,
    I am sure I will get on with the Gtech trimmer, just getting the knack of using a new piece of equipment.
