Monday 29 June 2020

Bit livelier today

Yesterday evening I got a set of four white card boxes out to decorate as a set. I painted them with acrylic paint and then found some wrapping paper with butterflies on so a lot of cutting out.
I was up about 6 am but had a better night than the one before which was good. I went to post some letters and passed the church, I know not everyone likes the wild sweet peas but I really do although they can get a bit straggly.
The clouds were attractive as I walked back.
I had a package to take to the post office so thought I would try walking there and if I managed make it up to the sea front. The knees weren’t happy so it was slow progress, but I made it there and back so was pleased with that. There was a large ship out at sea but the phone camera only goes up to 4x zoom, but you can see it!

After lunch I went into the church with Tina to try and work out the social distancing in the church and mark the places people could sit. Really difficult and in the main body of the church we could only manage places for twenty two people! Far more complicated that you would think and then there is all the cleaning with a congregation that is predominately over seventy!
I have been carrying on with the boxes and will hopefully put the finished articles on the blog tomorrow!


  1. I like the colour of the boxes and the butterflies should look good, but what a lot of cutting out. You never go for the easy option with anything you do 😊
    Glad you had a better night. Sadly I know the knee is still giving you grief though. But you still got out and about, so that’s good. I quite like the sweet peas. Straggly is good, it’s how nature intended it to be. People are way too fussy about things these days.
    I do like to see the pics of the sea. I never get bored seeing them. There’s always interesting stuff in them to look at.
    I can imagine it being hard work sorting out the social distancing in the church, but 22 is better than none. First come first served I suppose. The Rev will have you on the door as a bouncer 😊

  2. Felt better today and kept busy. The boxes are done , just drying out properly now,
    It is good to see the sea, as you say, always something a bit different.
    The church yard is in need of attention but no volunteers have been allowed although the council have still mowed the lawns.
