Saturday 13 June 2020

Different walk and a casualty in the garden!

Pandora was on a funny mood yesterday, she can be quite manic and sometimes a bit jumpy. We are not sure what she may have experienced before we got her. She was intrigued with my waste bin and managed to upend it in the evening!
This morning I did the weekend shopping in three stages, I find getting in and out of different shops when laden difficult at the best of times, and with the shops as they are just now it is not the best of times! After that I went for a walk and set off out of the town on the Atwick road. My knee was twinging so nearly turned back very quickly, but managed to keep on for a while. Took a couple of pictures of roses.

I got as far as a private road which has a recreation ground at the end. Took a picture of this tree trunk as may just try to paint in one of these days.
The park was closed, not really surprising.
These fabulous grasses were outside one of the houses, we may have to find some Tina!
A lovely honeysuckle on the way home, hopefully ours will flower next year.
I had passed a great stone bench on the way out and as I was struggling and in need of a sit down thought I would sit on it on the way back. It wasn’t to be, there was a couple sitting on it as I approached.
Today is link up with the American family so put some colour in my hair! When I put it on while the hair is damp it is very bright. But when it has dried and I brush it the effect is really good.

Tina and I went to look at the agapanthus at lunch time, we have been keeping an eye on it for ages and it was just beginning to open up with little star like flowers. We went out again for a cup of tea while sat on the lawn and I had the phone with me and thought I would take a photo. Couldn’t see it, which was odd, then I realised that the cat had been fighting in that bed and had snapped it off! Little vandals!! We have it in a vase indoors, fingers crossed it will still open.
Looking forward to the Andrew Marr art program, this week Van Gogh and the Sunflowers.


  1. Pandora is very inquisitive. Better to be playing with waste bins than chasing the wildlife though! You need a way to stop her flattening flowers too!
    Sounds like you’ve done more than enough exercise for the day. Carrying shopping can’t help much, although I guess you were towing the trolly and not carrying. Some nice pics though so worth coping with the knee pain. The first rose pic would make I nice watercolour along with the tree. Add them to your todo list 😊
    I do like the grass. They’d be perfect for your garden. Lots of coverage to keep the weeds at bay. Go knock on the door and ask if you can dig a couple of clumps up!
    The hair looks nice again. The chalks were definitely one of your successful buys. I bet the overseas clan commented on it.
    The art program was very good. Even for a heathen like me!

  2. It was good to get a bit of a walk in, it did ease a bit the longer I was out.
    They certainly are large and striking grasses, they would be perfect in the garden, may go and ask what they are, but it is a bit posh down that private road so may not ask for a cutting!
    Still love the hair chalks, don’t use them all the time as I think they dry my hair out a bit.
