Wednesday 10 June 2020

Warning, cake picture!

I was up early and have been pretty tired today, quite painful knees too so haven’t been too energetic! After feeding the birds this morning I took a cup of coffee down to the summer house, was drinking it at about 7 am.
I went to the shop as I needed milk and I did make a cake this morning, sorry Scout!
We were waiting for parcels so this afternoon I sat and relaxed with the puzzle book. Did unpack the huge amount of cat food when it arrived.
I decided what plant I would like in the up cycled garden truck, a pieris ‘prelude’, an evergreen shrub that has while flowers in the spring. Had trouble with the website on line so ended up phoning the nursery, should be delivered next week.
I had a delivery of mealworms arrive, when I carried them down to the greenhouse the birds had pulled out some plants I put outside to harden off. The popular name is angels wings, I took some cuttings and they have all actually rooted. So I had to get compost and plant them in separate pots as I would hate them to die off now.
The coffee trees are still going strong. I have moved one into the greenhouse as it is a bit crowded in the bedroom. The smallest one did die, but on the whole they are still doing remarkably well. The one in the greenhouse doesn’t look a green but the new shoots are opening.
I am hoping to feel a bit more energetic tomorrow!


  1. Well considering you’ve not felt energetic you’ve done more than I have. The cake looks lovely. Which recipe was it?
    Glad you did find a bit of time to relax, although not too much by the sounds of it. You get lots of exercise just carrying animal food about!
    I like the angel wing plants and those coffee bean plants have really come on well over the years. Still looks like it might be quite a few years before you’ll be brewing your own though.
    Hopefully you’ll have a better night tonight and not be up so early. Fingers crossed.

    1. I am really pleased that the angels wings cuttings rooted in the tray, wasn’t so thrilled when some creature, one that I feed at that, decided to uproot them!
      The coffee trees have really woody stems now, who’d have thought I would still have them from such tiny little seedlings all those years ago!
      Basic sponge recipe cake today.
