Thursday 25 June 2020

Short late post!

Our internet went off yesterday morning and has only just been restored. I did get out for a bit yesterday but will write a longer post later today.
The night before last I decided to decorate a wooden wreath that Tina had bought some time ago. It seemed a shame to paint it but deciding what to do had made me leave it.
I decided to get the buttons out and see what I could do. Tina loves the result, it has worked well.
Yesterday morning I was up at five, had a card to post and made my way down to a play park to see if I could see the mere. Only just!!
Took an early morning picture of the church on my way back.
Still before six when I was out on the patio with the cats!
Will write about the short trip to Skipsea later.


  1. The wreath with the buttons is really lovely. As you say a shame to just paint them. I would never have thought to use buttons though.
    5am is the best part of the day. I see it very often! Alright occasionally but don’t make a habit of it. Not good for you. Good time of morning for taking pics though and the cats look happy that you’re around.
    It’s surprising how much we miss the internet when it disappears. Hope you get it back up and running properly before too long.

  2. I Don get up that early very often, but it was a nice morning.
    Really pleased with the wreath,
