Wednesday 17 June 2020

The triffid has a name!

The large plant that I have loved to hate has definitely grown on me now it has an abundance of tiny white flowers. I had been expecting big red sunflower type blooms as that was the information I got. Anyway, we now know that it is Greater Sea Kale, it is a show stopper now with endless people stopping to look or take photos!
I went out early to post letters and took a couple of photos, a rose and the archway to the church.
Then I went into the garden to feed the birds. I took a photo of the sea holly, love it when it begins to turn blue but sadly it is under the laburnum tree which means it is covered in dead petals!
The seagull is used to me now and carried on drinking even though I was on the lawn.
Tina dropped me off at Freeport just after opening time, I took the trolley to save carrying bags when I walked home. Quite like the signers that they have put up.
I rally struggled with the knee pain today but found a bench for a rest en route! Took this picture of a misty morning as I neared home.
This afternoon I did some clearing in the front garden, didn’t take pics but got a cart full of waste. Then I planted up the pink cart as the shrubs I ordered arrived this morning.
The knee is still giving me some grief so not planning on moving around much this evening!


  1. That front corner looks really nice with those plants in bloom. I can see why people are stopping to look. The bed looks nice and neat too. Some really nice plant pics tonight. I really like the sea holly, I think they’re nice plants.
    The seagull is like another pet now. You’re becoming like my neighbour with his pet pigeons! 😊
    Glad you got a lift up to Freeport, walking two ways is too much right now with the knee. At least you got some steps in.
    It’s nice to see the pink cart has started its se one life as a planter. A few more years of use in it yet.
    Hope the evening has turned out to be a relaxing one.

  2. Hard to believe what a mess that corner was not so long ago and now we have not one but two triffids!
    We still just have the two seagulls visit, they chase everything else away, especially other seagulls!
    The walking is a little frustrating, but will keep on trying.
