Monday 8 June 2020

Some gardening and a walk!

Pandora likes to sleep on my rocking chair and Blue likes to sleep on my bed, although she goes downstairs when I go to bed! Last night I had left my waistcoat on my chair so Pandora made herself particularly comfortable and looked cute!

This morning I decided to get some clearing done near the summer house as it had become very untidy again, helped by the rain of course! Got the strimmer out, I have a difficult relationship with the strimmer, can’t get the hang of it and end up going through the reels of wire at a rate of knots! Tina ordered me two spares with that in mind! Planned on doing two areas either side of the summer house.

I seem to have cracked using the strimmer because today didn’t have to use either of the replacement reels and I was working out there for quite a while. Not perfect now but a whole lot better.

The droopy and very pretty plant near the back door is at its best now.
After lunch Tina drove me up to Freeport so that I could go to the Pound Stretcher store and then attempt to walk home. Haven’t been down Polly’s Path for quite some time!
There was a problem with the tills in the shop so I ended up standing for about them minutes, standing really gets my joints aching so I had a sit down for a while before walking home. The bench was near the cemetery and this flower stand was in the middle of a paved area.
Walking home I noticed the crucifix outside the Catholic Church on the other side of the road appeared to be inside a heart, very eye catching.
This beautiful rose is in the church grounds.
I struggled on the walk home, only about a mile, I was walking like a rally decrepit old lady! Must try and get the fitness/energy levels up!
This evening before tea Tina and I went into the garden for a bit, Tina dug up some very nasty long rooted weeds and I edged the lawns. Not planning to do anything energetic this evening!


  1. She looks extremely comfortable laying there. Oh to be a cat!
    Those weeds really have grown quickly. It doesn’t seem that long since you did those beds. At least trimming them made for a bit quicker job, and it sounds like you’ve mastered the machine 😊 Definitely looks a lot better now than it did.
    Like the droopy plant, whatever it is. That’d make a nice watercolour too.
    I remember Polly’s Path well. A nice walk along there.
    The crucifix in the heart was a good spot. Was it actually designed to look like that, or was it just a fluke? Either way it looks good.
    Well you made it home, so that’s good. Considering the knees I think you do pretty well for a decrepit old lady 😊
    An easy evening sounds good, if you can actually stick to it!

  2. The cats have a good life here, I don’t get to sit in my chair that often now!
    I actually find using the strimmer quite hard work, you have to hold the switch in which really strings my hand! It is a more efficient way of making a quick clearance. And the weeds have to start all over again!
    I don’t know if they planned that tree round the crucifix, but either way it is pretty eye catching at the moment.
    Not feeling quite so decrepit now!
