Tuesday 16 June 2020

Cat nip bananas sending them bananas!

Will start today with photos of the cats and their new toys. Tina sent for them as they were recommended to her and they certainly have earned the approval of our two!

I have spent most of the day in the garden today, the aim being to work round the large bed in the back garden but started at the top on the bed near the walled garden. Tidied that up and put some of the small pansies I rescued from the gravel in front of the gladioli. When the Gtech grass trimmer arrives I can see how it works on that path.
 I continued round the main bed, had a break for lunch and then went over to Countdown to see if they had any plants I could put in as I had removed a lot of dead stuff and done some pruning. These signs have now appeared on the pavements.
I took a picture of the main bed from near the summer house, I did get some French marigolds to put in the bed and add a bit of colour. Also tied up the lilac coloured phlox in the front of the photo.
Steady work in the garden today and a pleasure, especially as it looks tended now.
An easy evening now, maybe will write a couple of letters.


  1. Catnip is strange stuff. It either drives them nuts or it has no effect at all. My cat never bothered with it.
    I notice the signs don’t say 2 metres like a lot do. Good thinking on their behalf as if Boris changes it to 1 metre they won’t have to change them.
    The beds around the lawn do look really nice at the moment. You’ve done a grand job getting them ship shape in the first place and keeping on top of them now. It must be nice to stand back and think “I did that”. Even though it has nearly killed you off a few times. 😊
    You deserve an easy evening. Hope it stayed that way.

    1. It has been a good day, the first time I have spent a whole day just tidying up. Do need to get out into the front garden soon as I have noticed the weeds are flourishing with the rain!
      The cats both seem to really like the bananas, it has worn Pandora out, she is asleep on the chair next to me.
