Monday 1 June 2020

Good day sorting!

I have been getting summer clothes out and winter clothes packed away, changed the bed and got the washing dry and have started going through the clutter! I am one of the world’s untidiest people and actually sticking to sorting stuff out is always a challenge. Doesn’t help that I have so much stuff that I may do or use some time! 
I did put canes around the tomato plants while I was seeing to the washing, they were really tiny when I was given them and now they are flowering! Also took a picture of the sunflowers that ai planted straight into the ground and are doing pretty well.

I took a picture of the crop plant that has appeared in the garden a couple of days ago and forgot to post it on the blog. We have a few of them appearing and as Tina and I both like grasses we are leaving then to see what they become!
I have been out and watered this evening and thought this white foxglove catching the sun amongst the greenery looked attractive,
We have a fabulous sea holly in one of the beds, it is covered with dropped petals from the laburnum at the moment but has so many blooms it will be spectacular.
So, haven’t done a lot, but I am pleased with the progress I have made indoors.


  1. You’ve been quite busy considering you think you haven’t done a lot. Sorting is such a chore. I know it has to be done, but like you I put it off if I can. I don’t know where it all comes from. It just multiplies by itself!
    The tomato plants and the sunflowers look nice and healthy. It doesn’t seem 5 minutes since you had them last year! Time does fly by at a frightening rate these days.
    Some nice pics, my favourite is the foxglove with the light breaking through the trees.

    1. It has been a good day, certainly not exciting, but it has made me want to carry on tomorrow. Pity there is no way of getting rid of all the stuff you don’t want! The charity shops will be inundated when they open again,
      I liked that pic, just the right moment when I was watering.
