Sunday 28 June 2020

A short walk on the cliff tops

I didn’t have a very good night because of the knee, which always seems to hurt more at night, which is a pain, literally! So wasn’t in the best of humours when I got up. Sat and moped for a bit then decided to get in the garden for a bit even though it was blowing a gale! I hoed the bed where the greater sea kale is, the wind has flattened one of them down and two branches were broken.
I only worked out there for half an hour or so but it did the trick and my mood lifted. A friend of Tina’s left two huge cacti with her as she didn’t have room to take them when she moved. They have been on the bench outside, I think the intention is to give them to the local stately home when it is open. They have been buffeted with wind and rain but don’t seem to mind too much as one of them is starting to flower.
Sarah and David had told me where they go for a cliff top walk and Tina said she would drive me up there this afternoon, the instructions were a bit sketchy so we are not sure we went to the right place but we did get to there so that was good. Such a different view from up high.
Tried to zoom in a bit with the phone as there was a real tinge of green in the sea today,
We didn’t walk a lot as it really was very windy up there! On the way back Tina stopped near a road where Krissie and Steve live as that leads to the cliff tops. Slightly different view from there.
We have had dinner now and there is nothing ai particularly want to see on the tv so may sort out a video or do some crafting.
Forgot to mention that we watch .’Yesterday’ last night and we all enjoyed it.


  1. Sorry the knee gave you grief again overnight. It’s a damn nuisance. At least you cheered yourself up with the gardening. Not sure gardening would help cheer me up 😊 Each to their own I suppose.
    That is a very large cactus. Should look good if it get covered in flowers.
    Some great pics from the cliffs. I really like the first one. Great clouds. Always nice to get out somewhere different for a ride and a chance for some nice pics too. Good way to spend a bit of Sunday afternoon.
    Television seems quite dire at the moment, but I’m sure you’ll find something to keep you occupied.

  2. It was good to get onto the cliffs, pretty long drive to get there though so will only manage it if there is a lift available! It was a lovely sky and just a more interesting view of the sea front,
    Maybe the knee will settle down and maybe not, but just got to get on with it for now anyway.
    Started a bit of crafting.
