Friday 12 June 2020

A walk in the rain and card making

I finished off the two upcycled plastic containers yesterday evening, quite pleased with how they turned out, especially the small one.

Another National Geographic photo, this time the head of a carpenter bee!
Raining today but thought ai would take a walk anyway and head towards Tesco and join the Trans pennine  trail. Took a couple of photos on the way.
This plant was in the grounds of a derelict building, I want to identify it as would like some in the garden!

Pretty wet along the trail and I was getting wetter by the minute. Think I saw four other crazy people along the path!

From the end of the path I went up to the sea wall, very chilly wind and very rough out there again.

I thought I would avoid the steep steps back onto the pavement but thought better of it!
I have three birthdays of friends and family later this month so have sat and made some cards this afternoon. I had two small pieces of cross stitch I had done so used them and then cut a couple of peacocks from a die that I hadn’t used before.
I used a curry sachet for tea this evening, quite mild so we all enjoyed it. Will find something to watch once I have cleared the card making stuff away.


  1. The canisters looks good. I prefer the small one too. I’m sure you’ll soon find something to fill them with.
    Great pic of the bee. You need some serious equipment to get shots like that!
    You’ve got some varied pics from your walk today. It’s nice scenery and actually all the better from it being a bit wet, apart from the very large puddle you wisely avoided! The sea looks just as it should, wet and wild. Glad you saw other people. It’s nice to know you’re not the only loony in Hornsea 😊
    Lovely cards. They’ll definitely be appreciated.
    Hopefully a restful evening tonight for you.

    1. I quite enjoyed being out in the rain, the knee twinges a bit but wasn’t too bad today. Good weather to walk in if you want to avoid crowds,
      Nice to make some cards, they are going people who I think will appreciate them.
      Definitely a restful evening now.
