Monday 22 June 2020

Mainly baking!

The weather was baking today so too hot for gardening, so got hot in the kitchen instead! Made some buns, did melt some chocolate to top them with after I had taken the photo, also made an apple pie using my tin with the holes in so that it didn’t have a soggy bottom!
I had got some bread rising before I made the buns and it was ready to go in by the time I had cooked the pie. Trouble is is had risen to much for the top oven so had to get the main one warmed up! It turned out well, we had some for lunch while it was still warm.
This afternoon I dismantled the tin man completely and he is now in the recycling bin! I did do quite a bit of clearing in the courtyard, it was hot and I didn’t take pics as I have cleared it many times before. But did take some pics of the nasturtiums as they are just glorious!
Have been to the shop this evening and did walk to the post box early this morning, but the knees have been aching so no long walks.
Hopefully more photos tomorrow.


  1. I’m sure the other residents prefer you baking rather than gardening. It all looks quite delicious. The pie looks nicely cooked. Would you recommend the perforated dishes for non soggy bottoms? The bread looks great too. It’s very hard to leave it long enough to cool before cutting a test slice 😊 Cooks perks to have a warm crust with lashings of butter!
    The full fame pics of the flowers are really nice. It looks good when the whole frame is filled with colour like that. The nasturtiums are great.
    A nice relaxed evening sounds in order.

    1. Definitely recommend the perforated pie tin. Not cheap but they work. The apple pie tasted pretty good even if I say so myself. The Brae was successful too so a good baking day!
      I do love nasturtiums and I planted the seeds straight into the planter so they have done well.
