Tuesday 2 June 2020

More sorting and a trip down memory lane!

Today I have been sorting stuff out and moving it around all day, it has been a really good day! Found a sketch I had done when in Scarborough, we think it is St Mary’s!
Then this picture from York Dungeons, three years ago I think but I am sure I will be corrected if that is wrong!
The poppies in the front garden are opening quickly now, when I took this they weren’t in the sun but still look great.
We have a lot of aquilegia in the garden and mostly pinks and mauve, just one beautiful yellow one,
Finally tonight a couple of pictures from thirteen years ago when I was in Ghana!


  1. I could be completely wrong, and am quite often, but I’ve just looked through lots of pics I have of St Mary’s and none of the doorways seem to match up to that one.
    It’s always great find drawings and pics like that. I do remember seeing the one from York before. How could you forget those faces 😊
    Is it really 13 years ago since you were in Ghana? That really doesn’t seem possible. I feel old 😊

  2. We weren’t sure, but that is inside so it may look a bit different. Can’t think where else I would have sat for long enough to do that.
    Yes, thirteen years and I went back for three weeks the week after. It was a challenging time but so pleased that I did it!

  3. Could well be then. I was thinking it was outdoors.
