Thursday 11 June 2020

Rough and chilly sea front today

I was up pretty early and set off to deliver a letter for Tina, it was soon after six and the sky was lovely, it has been downhill since then!
When I got back I made a coffee and took the camera down to the summer house. I don’t think I have gone down there that early before, didn’t catch a lot of wildlife on camera, but did see the woodpecker before ai had set up, maybe get a picture another day.

The young starlings in the first two of that group are very different to the adults. We must have over a dozen arrive in the garden sometimes.
Despite the weather I decided to take a walk to the sea front. Very cold wind and the sea was really rough and looked and felt more like mid winter!

I took more pictures as I made my way along to the cliff tops.

That bed along the wall was just dirt last year, some of the great work HUG have done in the town.

I did have another walk down to the post office, so have walked more today than in quite some time. I went down to the summer house to collect my camera, took this picture as the rally tall plant is a teasel and I think it will be fabulous this year.
This afternoon I have been removing labels off plastic stain remover containers and have started to decoupage one of them going to decorate the top of the lid as well.
It has been a long and reasonably busy day, so maybe a bit more decoupage this evening.


  1. Blimey, you were probably out before the real postman! You’ll do him out of a job.
    You managed to catch a reasonable amount of wildlife this morning. Makes a change to watch them eating their breakfast instead of lunch 😊
    You picked a great day to walk to the front. May not have been the best weather for walking in, but it does make for some lively sea pics! I can see why you didn’t walk down on the sea wall. Lots of lovely pics. I quite like the one down the steps.
    I like your storage containers. They’ll look really nice when they’re finished. Are for for a particular purpose, or did you just fancy a bit of recycling?

    1. I was out early, best part of the day really, although I enjoyed the blowy walk along the sea front, not seen a really round se for a while.
      No particular plans for the containers, they just seemed too nice to just put in the recycling. Will put finished pictures on tomorrow.
