Friday 5 June 2020

Fabulous foxgloves

I have had a very quiet day, was up very early and my legs have been aching today, so it was sitting down activities! This morning I spent some time painting the pink garden cart. I bit awkward because of its shape but I have done as much as I intend to. I now have to decide what plant to have in it.
Yesterday evening I got a piece of material and decided to start some embroidery, no pattern or plan, just thought I would make it up as I went along. This afternoon I carried on for a couple of hours, not sure what I will do with it, maybe it could go on the top of a box or make a very fancy card!
We have had a substantial amount of rain, the first time in months, so this evening I took a walk round the garden, the plants are happy and I am a sure the weeds will put on a spurt as well! The crop type plant, whatever it is, it looking healthy. We have three or four spout not enough to make flour!
Pandora followed me out and went up the tree to be nearer the birds.....
Going to finish today with a selection of the fabulous foxgloves we have in the gardens.


  1. The cart looks good, and still a useful object for years to come. I can see the new one in the background. Maybe in a few years when you worn it out with the constant weeding it’ll be a good partner to that one to make up the pair of planters.
    I like the colours you’ve used in the freehand embroidery. Maybe you could use it to cover a notebook or something similar.
    We’ve had a fair bit of rain here too. Bet the weeds are sucking it all in and building up their strength to run rampage in all those nice tidy beds you have at the minute!
    That’s a good pic of Pandora in the tree. I’m sure the birds, and you, weren’t that happy about her being there.
    Those foxgloves are gorgeous. You have so many different ones. They make for a great display. Bet the bees 🐝 love them.

  2. Nice to have the cart finished, just need to think of a suitable plant for it, so sort of trailer would be good.
    A notebook, that is a good idea.
    The foxgloves really are a delight, saw a few bees in them this evening which is a bonus.
