Thursday 25 June 2020

Second instalment, fingers crossed

The internet is still dipping in and out but I will endeavour to catch up on yesterday and today’s news. Tina has a meeting in Skipsea yesterday so I went along for the ride and had a very short walk as my knee has been quite sore for a couple of days now. The church in Skipsea is in the middle of nowhere so really stands out.

As I said, it was a short walk but I managed to take a few pictures!

Back at home I topped up the compost in the pink cart planter so that the plants are sitting higher now.
This plant has appeared near the back door, it may be a weed but it has very pretty flowers.
Took a picture of this stunning marigold.
Today Tina had a funeral in Hull and I went along. I had a walk through the lovely rose garden at the crematorium.
We were going to have our picnic at the Humber Bridge country park but had forgotten that it is a corona virus testing centre now and the car park was packed solid! Did get a picture of the bridge though when we drove under it on the way to have lunch by the river.
Two more shots of the Humber, a lovely day for pictures.
Then Hobbycraft and home. My knee has been very painful today so a quiet evening now.


  1. Skip sea does look a nice place. The church does sit up quite night and makes for a nice pic. Very photogenic. You had a great bit of weather for a little trip out yesterday and today was pretty good too. Shame the knee is spoiling it for you. Goes downhill now I think, the weather that is!
    You’ve had some great pics of your garden flowers lately. You have some really nice ones. You’re definitely spoiled for things to photograph.
    Ice to get a trip out to Hull today. I know how much you like the Humber Bridge. The rose garden at the crematorium looks nice.
    At least you got some pics of the bridge, even though finding somewhere to have your picnic was a pain 😊 Have it at home in the garden next time, plenty of room.

  2. A nice couple of trips out, Tina and I get on well and have a laugh whatever the circumstances,
    The garden flowers have been a joy this year.
    Hopefully the knee will settle down a bit, ever the optimist!
