Saturday 20 June 2020

Easy day, bit of pebble art!

I haven’t been overly busy today, although did go shopping first thing after I had fed the birds and sat out on the patio for a while, both the cats were out with me and the seagulls were in the garden. Pandora was chasing one who landed on Lucian’s fence with both the cats watching it, then its partner flew down the garden and they were distracted from giving each other the evil eye!
Yesterday evening I did a couple more quick sketches of tubs for my friends.
They are having some work done in their garden so won’t be deciding on planters for a while yet.
I did go out with the new lawn trimmer, had a go at the two paths I have laid. I am getting the hang of using it now.

Had a link up with the American family this afternoon and also had a play with some pebbles and made a couple of simple pictures.
Have watched a great program about Turner this evening concentrating on The Fighting Temeraire painting.


  1. I think the seagull would win against the cats! It doesn’t look too bothered sat up there.
    They should be really pleased with the garden sketches you’re doing for them. It’s a pretty good service. I like the coloured pots tonight.
    The paths are coming along nicely. Once they’re fully established and grown well in it should be a bit easier. Although it looks like you’ve soon got the hang of it already.
    I like both of the pebble pic. Such a good idea and extremely cute too.

  2. It was actually dive bombing Blue at one point!
    I think they are quite pleased with the sketches, they are having slate put down and want pots to add a bit of interest.
    I am getting the knack with the trimmer now.
    I have had those frames for a while so pleased I have used them.
