Tuesday 9 June 2020

More Ghana memories!

This morning I was out of the house just after six, off to the post box for a change and then fed the birds. I sat outside with a coffee, only had the phone with me and tried to zoom as there were crows rather than seagulls on the church tower.
This morning I got the strimmer out again and went to try and tidy the bed behind the dead tree. It has never been properly dug over and gets very out of control. Managed to cope with the strimmer again although I was well splattered from the sap and dew on the leaves!

This afternoon Sarah and David came round to sit with me in the garden for an hour which was nice and the sun stayed shining. After that I got a large delivery of peanuts and got them unpacked into containers in the greenhouse,
This evening Tina went out to do a bit of clearing in the gravel, I went out with her and pulled a few weeds but was more of an observer and took weeds up to the bin!
I will make no apologies for a couple more foxglove pics, as they are fabulous!
Pandora was on the garden with up and after she had finished climbing trees she looked cute sat on the window sill.
Will finish with pictures from Ghana thirteen years ago. This day I visited a botanical garden.


  1. Looks like it’s been a long day, but with some needed jobs done. Sitting out in the garden early in the morning sounds really nice and judging by the pic is was very pleasant weather for it. Shame you had to spoil the relaxing with the weeding. At least it’s slightly easier with the strimmer I suppose. Definitely looks better.
    The Rev looks well into the weeding. It’s a full time pastime for you all, well two thirds of you at least 😊
    You can never have too many foxglove pics, they look great.
    Ghana was a great thing to experience. You were quite a globetrotter at one point.

  2. It has been a long day, but a pleasant one really.
    That chunky foxglove is just glorious with its several blooms and the other one is just so dark inside.
    I had sort of forgotten that day that I went to the botanic garden in Ghana, it’s good that the memories are coming up on Google photos.
