Sunday 14 June 2020

Sea Fret today

Yesterday evening Pandora looked so comfy on my rocking chair, one of her favourite spots.
This morning I made a flask up and went off for a reasonably early walk to the sea front. A sea fret had rolled in so quite misty over the sea. I walked on the lower sea wall as the tide wasn’t right in.

I went down onto the beach from there and over some rather scary steps to sit on one of the groines to drink my coffee.
The view from where I was sitting was different, might try a sketch of the zoomed one.

The very large plants in the front garden which I was told would have large red flowers a bit like sunflowers. It actually has the smallest white flowers imaginable and a lot of them! Not sure whether I like it or loath it!
This afternoon Tina had a delivery in Atwick and suggested the three of us had an ice cream at Mr Moo’s. But it was really busy so she drove us to the garden centre at Bridlington and she wanted some sand and I wanted some compost for the pink cart planter. We did get a plant and a great little paving slab as well.
It was pretty quiet there and very well organised so we were able to have a leisurely browse. We did stop for ice cream although it was still busy and Tina had to queue for quite a while. I had a bit of a wander round the end of the car parking area, took this fairly uninteresting photo because of the crow on the post, but not a great zoom on the phone!
We have strange cats! Yesterday they were trashing the prized plant and today Pandora was sharing its water!
We were back quite late and then I got dinner but it was an enjoyable trip out.


  1. I think the early morning walk to the beach with a flask is a great idea. Specially when you get the fret rolling in, as it makes for very atmospheric pics. You have some really good ones and several would make great watercolour. I look forward to seeing one of the zoomed shot when you get around to it. Quite like the one that follows it too. Basically they could all become watercolours 😊
    Nice to get out for a little trip with the Rev, specially as it involved buying plants and ice cream 😊 The farthing looks good, where’s that going to live?
    Oh to be a cat. Lounging in chairs and drinking from vases, you couldn’t ask for more!

  2. I need a paving slab under the bird feeders so that one seemed appropriate as well as having my favourite bird on it!
    It was enjoyable on the beach today and not too many people around. It will be all change when the caravan parks open again.
    The cats drink water from anywhere except their bowl!
