Wednesday 3 June 2020

Gentle sorting and a daylight walk.

Today I have been continuing with the sorting and tidying but today concentrated on the cupboard with lots of craft boxes jammed in it. Have been putting things in the right boxes and labelling them so that I can see where things are. The idea would be to keep it this way in future and always put things away where they belong each day. The likelihood of that actually happening has an extremely slim chance of success!
Going through boxes I found a picture of Purdy, a cat I used to have some years ago. Pandora could be her daughter.  I did not have a similar full face picture of Pandora and ended up on the floor trying to get one, getting up was quite a challenge! Anyway, here they are, Purdy first and then Pandora.
I have been indoors today and not taking pics, but did take a wander in the garden and took some of the flowers.

That agapanthus will be quite dramatic when it is fully open.

Today has been grey, damp, windy and cold so as I had a package to send and the post office stays open late I took a walk down there and then up to the sea. A very different set of pictures from a few days ago.

My knees were really aching on the way home so I slowed right down, nothing to rush for. Took one last picture in the memorial garden.
Best get back to the sorting now!


  1. Very slim chance of it staying like that! We all make ourselves that promise, but it never lasts 😊 It is quite satisfying once you’ve done it though and everything is in its right place and you actually know where things are. The only way to keep it like that is to never use any of it again 😊
    Pandora does look a lot like Purdy. You’ve probably put your back out and done extra damage to your knees getting the pic to prove it!
    You really do have some great couloir in the garden. Does make your efforts worthwhile when you see it all.
    Glad you made it out for an evening stroll/hobble. Looks very wintery in those pics. Amazing the difference a couple of days makes. Bring back the sunshine.
    Not too much more sorting this evening I’ll still be there tomorrow for you to do.

  2. Well, it feels good to have done it, I will put things away for a couple of days at least!
    So far Pandora hasn’t become the killer queen that Purdy was, that’s one likeness I can do without!
    I suppose a hobble is better than nothing, was pretty miserable down there this evening, but always good to see and hear the sea.
