Wednesday 31 October 2018

New gravel time!

I went out pretty early to carry on clearing the final area, I was there when the gravel men arrived. They did scraping and clearing with a digger, later a large lorry arrived to bring the first lot of gravel and then remove all the scrapings.the driver was back and round the driveway with these large vehicles and didn’t hit any of the edgings. Won’t t post too many pics. I did keep them supplied with tea!
Then one when they were nearing th end of their work.
I managed to clear quite a big area over my three sessions. Filled the pink container with roots etc again and trod and hoes it a bit. Will need to be dug over again but it is getting there. I must have dug up hundreds of bulbs, have them in the trig for now!
I went to Freeport with Tina and her friend Lynn where we had a lovely lunch. Then we went to the shoe shop and craft outlet. I had taken my 3d embossing folders so that the girls could run some off. So Tina and Lynn went off and I walked home after spending a pleasant half hour or so at the shop. When I got home I took a picture of the finished driv.
They worked very hard and did a fantastic job I think.
Will probably do a bit of crafting later whilst enjoying my new cello cd.


  1. You’ve done well on the new bed. It looks a lot better than it did when you started. Mind you with all the work you’ve put in I’m not surprised!
    They’ve made a brilliant job of the driveway. It looks amazing. The shot from the road is great. Looks just like a vicarage should look, and so different to how it was originally. You should consider having the house painted in that lovely shade of pink some people choose 😀

  2. I was very impressed with their workmanship, they really grafted for their money.
    If I manage to get part of that bed dug a second time I can replant some of the bulbs. I don’t remember seeing any in that bed, it must hav gen because it was so overgrown.
    Mmm , pink, that would go down like a lead balloon!
