Monday 1 October 2018

Fabulous sea

This morning the fairy house was dry so it is now back outside in the garden.
I had a wander round the garden, the hollyhocks that I grew from seed this year love wher they are in the garden and are absolutely gorgeous growing through the dead tree.
I had some packages to post and also a letter to deliver for Tina so went to the post office and then walked along the sea front. Fabulously lively sea today and great glistening water. Took loads of pics and will post a few.

The sun went behind a cloud so a sky picture too!
This afternoon I got back out int the garden to work on a bed near the fence at the side of the house. Lots of white roots and also had to get the saw out as there were roots that went under the grass. Always some different challenges.
A picture of the part of the bed that I didn’t get to and then one of the piece I have done.
I spotted some fungi out near one of the beds.
I have cleared away and done the watering, no sketch yet but I have time!


  1. There’s some fantastic pic tonight! I love the one of the water spray. You caught it perfectly. Some really crisp, clear pics. Makes me soooo envious. Not sure if it makes me want to take some, or whether it scares me off trying to compete 😀
    That camera produces great colours and such clear pics!
    I like the fungi. I really wish I knew more about them and which were safe to eat. Those look quite delicious!
    Such a lot of work you’ve put into that garden, but when you see the likes of the hollyhocks, it does make it seem worth the effort.

  2. Don’t forget to bring the camera when you visit.
    Took a fair few photos this morning, the sea was just stunning.
    It sometimes seems like painfully slow progress in the garden, but it is progress so little by little it is taking shape.

  3. Got the camera on my list of things to pack. Assuming I remember I’ve written a list that is 😀

  4. The fairy house looks amazing!0

  5. Fabulous Fairy 🧚‍♀️ house well done you are so clever and talented

  6. Glad you approve, we’ll have to try and arrange a visit before too long. X
