Tuesday 23 October 2018

Long trek to the dentist!

My dental appointment wasn't until the afternoon so I did set some seeds in the greenhouse and also planted up an African violet leaf that I had been rooting. Yesterday I put the seesawing bird garden ornament in the front garden behind the sign.
You can just about see it, it is quite delicate.
I caught the bus into Hull about 11.20 am a bright day and thankfully someone else opened a window, I do like to get some air. The bus stopped for a while when it was ahead of time, we were by a tree and I took this shot through the murky window, quite a good effect really!
I did a bit of shopping in town and had a sandwich and a cuppa. i was tired and really didn't want to take the forty minute walk to the dentist. that fitbit has a lot to answer for Anya!! I did walk and nearly got blown away when climbing the overpass! I had a few minutes before being seen which gave me a chance to catch my breath and cool off! the tooth is now filled and I didn't even have an injection, so it didn't take long. I did get the bus back into town and was in time to get the 3.35 bus home so was in before 5 pm.
Over the last couple of days I have been dismantling all the jewellery I have acquired and sorted them so it is easier to find what I want when decorating a box.
I have also had a play with the 3d embossing folders and the gilding waxes.
A quiet evening now I think.


  1. That’s an epic trek to see a dentist. You’ll just have to stop eating hard things and stick to soup and ice cream! Not a bad diet.
    I suppose it got you out the house for a while and stopped you slaving in the garden with those tree roots. But I’m sure you’ll be back to it tomorrow with a vengeance.
    You’re getting quite a collection of toppers for those boxes. I really must have another look for those cogs.
    I love the embossed Christmas scenes with that wax on. They actually look like metal plates. They’ll be great for cards.
    I hope your evening continues in a quiet fashion.

  2. I just need to get an awful lot more boxes now. Cogs and things would be great too.
    Only just started using the waxes but think I will get a lot of enjoyment from them.
