Friday 19 October 2018

So many gourds!

I have had a bit more pain than usual today so did a bit of gentle gardening. got a few plants in and collected the second area of gourds up. Over forty more, and some of them very big.
I had been expecting a delivery today but they contacted me to say that there was a problem and they will call to arrange another day. This meant that I could go to a different garden centre with Tina. She caught up with a colleague and I had a look round and shopped, had a coffee and then waited in the car. Some nice Christmas displays and thankfully none of them were musical!

I loved the otter water feature in that third one so wandered off to find them and see how much it was. Then I saw a smaller otter one that I fell in love with, I was SO tempted!
Maybe next time if we go there again.
I had washed and dried the gourds before we went out and have got them all wrapped and boxed now.
May do a bit of crafting this evening, I want to get on with the boxes.


  1. That is a LOT of gourds! If they all dry out ok, you’ll need a bigger house to display them :-) They do look very decorative when they’re bunched together like that. You should try courgettes next year as you’ll be able to eat them. Lovely with the chicken and cuppasoups like we used to do.
    I can see why you fell in love with the last water feature. Very you. You did extremely well not to come back with it today!

    1. It would be good if Inget at least some of them dried out, only time will tell.
      May grow some courgettes next year.

  2. There can never be too many gourds in the world, surely?

  3. I was telling someone the other day Gourds are awesome and make great pets and they agreed 😂

  4. Less trouble than the cats that's for sure! x
