Thursday 1 November 2018

Doctor, trail and poppies

This morning Inwent along to the surgery, didn’t actually see a doctor but the prescribing pharmacist, he is great, I saw him hen I was getting the blood pressure under control. He gave me a good examination, said the pain is more than likely due to the sciatic nerve and not a lot that they can do. But he has given me the number for a self referral physio service and printed off some pages about back pain. I have phoned the service and will have a phone call assessment first next Monday. He did comment that I as very supple and do I exercise, must be all that gardening! I went by the park entrance on my way there and the poppies are b ginning to appear in more places round the town.
I went up and had a cup of hot chocolate while looking at the sea, very grey today.
I walked along the trail to Tesco as Tina had told me they had what food caddies in stock. Haven’t been on the trail for a while, took this photo after passing about ten dog walkers!
I cut along the path by the stream to get to Tesco, it was very muddy but I managed not to slip in!
I got my shopping and another craft magazine with a free gift, an embossing folder and some dies. Made a card with them this afternoon.
This evening Tina and I put the peg crosses out in the garden, they look pretty good.
A bit of an arty shot just because the cloud amused me.
I know, I am weird!


  1. I hope you get the physio as it will help no end with the sciatica. In pain but supple, a bit from both ends of the spectrum there 😀
    I does look like a misty moody day, but I bet the hot chocolate helped a lot. The poppies everywhere help brighten everything up too. The vicarage display looks great. I hope none of the oiks pinch any!
    Another nice Christmas card design, but still a few to go yet.
    I like your arty shot. The cloud reminds me of a backbone.
    Hope you enjoyed your evening out with the Rev.

  2. A good evening seeing the Halle orchestra.
    I am sure the next few days will see many more poppies before the remembrance services.
    Enjoying making different cards, at least the die cut machine is getting used!
