Sunday 7 October 2018

Travelling home.

This morning Rachel took me across to Eye wher we spent over an hour with Emmie who was 98 a couple of weeks ago. Then we went to Van Hage and had some lunch. Got packed up when we got back to her house and then walked up to Morrison’s to meet Mike and wait for Darren. We had a great journey home, the trees are becoming autumnal  skies were lovely. I will go a group of pictures again, all but one taken while we were on the move. Darren did pull a lay-by to let me take a sunset picture. We stopped for a nice meal at Meat Inc, very tasty although we did have to wait for quite a while.
Weather looks set fair for Mike’s visit.


  1. Considering we were on the move those pics came out well. Love the moody, cloudy sky, and the sunset came out really well. It was a nice trip, in a nice car, with a very good driver. Thanks Darren. I have to say I really enjoyed the meal at Meat Inc. Probably a good thing I don’t live too close to it as I’m sure it would become a regular place to go 😀
    I’ve had a nice day.

  2. It was a good trip and the weather is looking kind today, so fingers crossed.

  3. And you got to go on your bridge - lovely to see you is you already xxx

  4. The bridge is one of my favourite places! We hope to go there tomorrow. Lovely’s to see you.x
