Thursday 25 October 2018

Another busy day, on a roll with the gardening!

My delivery was cancelled again, same reason, I was not impressed. I emailed straight away and within minutes received a phone call. They tried to sort it for today but apparently it is definitely going to arrive tomorrow. Won't hold my breath on that one.
I had to do a bit of touching up to the painting of the boxes, daylight shows up where you have missed a bit. So the project is ongoing. Tina got me me boxes and other crafty stuff at Hobbycraft yesterday, so had better get on with things.
I worked in the front garden this morning, hoed all round again and them must have put in a hundred or so small bulbs. Didn't do them individually, scooped out channels and put loads in and covered them, I am sure some will grow!
I finished off the two jar lids and the other day I bought some led lights to go in them. Two photos as the lights on make it difficult  to see the tops.

I went into the town and had a pensioner fish and chip dinner deal, very delicious trifle for dessert.
This afternoon I got on the with the third job that I didn't get around to yesterday/ We have a tree stump which needs to become a bit more of a feature.
I must have dug up about thirty bubs, I put them on one side and planted them again when I had finished. I also planted some ivy in the stump.
I had a cup of tea in the summer house before I packed up for the day. no real colour in the sky tonight but as I went down to look a shot of the church again to finish with.


  1. Shame about the cabinet not arriving, but fingers crossed for tomorrow.
    I do like the boxes and I’m looking forward to seeing the finished items. Love your jam jar lights. That’s a great idea. Where are you going to put them?
    The tree stump look so different like that. I’d never have thought of doing that. You do come up with some great ideas.
    Must try the fish and chip meal when I’m up there again. I fancy trifle now!

  2. I have a time slot now for the cabinet, but Imhad those the two previous times, so I will believe it when I see it!
    Might give the jars as presents, haven’t decided yet. The other boxes will be on the blog tomorrow.
    The meal deal is a regular thing, I have had it a couple of times.
