Wednesday 3 October 2018

Busy non photo day!

This morning I set about household chores, a big house so have to get in the mood!
After lunch I caught the bus up to Freeport as I was feeling a bit tired and lazy! Mags and Abi were on today and we had a laugh as usual and Insaw some of Abi’s wedding pics. I had taken my sketch book with me and sat at the table and did today’s sketch while I was there.
I did walk home but called in at the Gift shop before setting off. I went in to look at fairy houses but spotted a Santa dressed in white. I had wanted one at the garden centre but they had sold out, I did check again yesterday. This one is gorgeous and a lot cheaper, so I was pleased I called in.
Didn’t see any pheasants today but Tina said she saw the three mails in the church yard. We are working in the garden together tomorrow to prepare the area for the summer house.


  1. Yes, it’s a very big house to clean. Bit like painting the Forth Bridge I suppose. So it’s good you got out for a while. The Santa is very nice. Is it for a particular place in the house, or just something you really fancied?
    I’d forgotten about the summer house. I bet you’re really looking forward to that. Not so much the clearing and preparing bit though! You’ll have to do a before and after sketch of spot where it’s going.

  2. That’s not a bad idea, will see how we get on tomorrow.
    Just like the 🎅 in white with lovely faces, so just wanted one because I like them.
