Tuesday 2 October 2018

Pheasants come a calling!

This morning two pheasants appeared on the lawn, not a great photo as it was through the windows.
June the volunteer came this morning, she worked in the front garden, I worked in the back stopping every nw and again to make drinks. The pheasants came back for a while, mostly in shaded areas and I didn’t want to get too close and spook them.
I struggled a bit with the bed today, a lot of stumps and roots.
While I was packing away I could hear th pjqsqnts calling and then I couldn’t believe my eyes!
Seven altogether, I hope they become regular visitors and the cats don’t take a fancy to them!
I caught the bus to the garden centre at Sigglesthorne, wanted another kneeling pad for when I start putting the bulbs in. Liked the sky as I waited for th bus to come home.
Did do a sketch of an ornament last night and one of a piece of tree root today.


  1. Pheasants are lovely looking birds. It’s so nice to have several of them in the garden at once. I really hope they do become regulars and that the cats don’t chase them off. Should give you some great photo opportunities.
    That is a lot of roots! Would be so much easier if it weren’t for them. While I think of it, have you used the tiller much since you’ve had it?
    I like that sky too. Looks like a black and white. Lovely.
    Great sketches. The root looks just like the photo you put on the blog last night, so it must be good 😀

  2. I was like a school kid, very excited about the visiting birds.
    We haven’t used the tiller for a while, plenty more clearing to do though!
    Glad you recognised the root.:)
