Saturday 6 October 2018

Moon and space craft

It has been a cold and wet day but very enjoyable. I will write about it first and then just add all the photos. I met with my friend Angie for breakfast and then went and saw Isobel swimming, she has improved so much since ai last saw her in the pool. Then we walked into the city and went to th cathedral to see Tim Peakes space craft and the moon. Isobel’s swimming friends came along too. After that we went to a couple of shops and then off to get some lunch. I went back home with Anya and Isobel for a bit and then back to Rachel’s. We have enjoyed Strictly and watched, but didn’t particularly enjoy Casualty! Now the pics.


  1. Glad you’ve had a good day. The weather has been pretty horrid though. Luckily I’ve not been out in it.
    Can’t believe you beat me to getting some pics of the moon in the cathedral. I was hoping to get some and send them as I know you’d already seen it elsewhere. Never mind, I’ll maybe still pop along a see it, if I remember. I does look quite busy in there, so probably very popular. That puts me off a bit.

    1. Certainly worth a visit, think it is there for a month but best to check.
      The change in the temperature was a bit of a shock!

  2. Looks awesome and Isobel is enjoying “reaching for the moon “ . Love how you always go out and find something interesting to do - I might get down and give it a peep next week

    1. It looked smaller but I think that is because the cathedral is bigger and higher than Hul Minster. Good t see Tom Peake’s capsule as well though.
