Tuesday 9 October 2018

(Backup) Country park and fair

This morning Mike and I took the bus into Hull and then another one up to the approach road to The Humber Bridge. We went onto the bridge first, it was windy, but a beautiful bright day and we got about half way across.
That one is looking down at the water, not sand or mud. We came off th bridge and had a walk down to the foreshore.
Went onto the beach and took one from under the bridge.
We went to the country park inn and had some lunch. I liked the light fittings.
Then we walked through the country park back up to the car park.
We caught the bus back into town and met up with Tina and Darren and we went to the fair.
We all caught the bus back into the city centre and the Darren and Tina drove us home.


  1. It’s been a really good day. I’ve enjoyed all of it. I look like Santa on holiday in the photo of me 😀 Must get a haircut and beard trim!
    The park and the bridge were really good, and something I’ve wanted to do for a long time. So that’s a couple to tick off the bucket list. Just winning the lottery and a couple of others to go now.
    The fair was great. I loved the atmosphere, it can’t really be beaten. Wish I’d have on the big wheel now after seeing those great pics of yours.
    Thanks for a brill day.

  2. It was a good day and the weather was kind and warm for October.
    Going on somewhere like the bridge is often missed as you usually go over it when you are going on or coming back from a long journey. People don’t know what they are missing. Hull fair is huge! Glad you enjoyed the day.
