Wednesday 24 October 2018

Busy day

I intended spending the day in the garden but did stick some things on boxes before I went out there.
I planned to try and work on three areas, but only did two of them so will just to the 'befores' and 'afters' of the two I actually worked on.

That is the bed with the fruit bushes in.

That was a gourd bed.
I did have several breaks and had drinks sitting in the summer house. Spotted this robin and took it from inside. Never seen one fluffed up like that before, so very happy with this picture.
I decided to remove some leaves and tidy up the first flower bed I prepared, also watered it as the flowers were beginning to wilt.

Quite weary this evening but had to go downstairs again when I noticed the sky!

My delivery that didn't arrive on Friday is due to be here tomorrow, fingers crossed.


  1. A very productive day for you. I do like the boxes. What are the ones with the square holes in.
    The garden is looking good. You can definitely see where you’ve been today. Glad to hear you had a few breaks in the summer house. Shame you didn’t have anyone there to bring tea out to you.
    The robin pic is great. A very good capture at a distance. Doubt I’d have even spotted it!
    The sky looks beautiful, and the church make a great silhouette in the foreground. All I have is lampposts and chimneys!

  2. The ones with the holes are little picture frames, they do have actual glass for when they are put together.
    Couldn’t make out what it was at first when I saw the robin, good job the windows in the summer house ar still clean!
    Tina took pics of the sunset on her way home, it was spectacular tonight.

  3. They’ll look nice with a little picture in.
    It was a nice sky here tonight, but it’s not much good through my side window and if I go out there’s no view of it. I’ll just admire yours instead 😊

  4. Don’t see them as often as Scarborough, had first class view there!
