Wednesday 17 October 2018

Nice to see you!

Today the weather was better and time to get back into the garden and keep it under control, we’ll, try to at least. I spent a couple of hours hoeing the front garden, the recent rain had woken the weeds up with a vengeance. At lunch time I caught the bus to the garden centre and had ta and cake, although I almost didn’t bother as the queue was ridiculously long. There is a musical Christmas display already in action complete with Christmas songs, boy, will we have had enough of them before too long.
It is not a good idea to go to the garden centre on a bus, it is the getting back with the bags that is the problem.
More gardening when I got home, putting plants in this time. Had a cute visitor, so pleased the cats weren’t around!
He wasn’t a bit shy, almost sat there for me to take the picture. To finish the sky was looking good this evening.


  1. I’m so pleased I don’t have a garden to look after. I couldn’t cope with what you had in Scarborough, let alone Hornsea! I think you need to delegate more :-) At least you got out for a while, even though it was a garden centre! I see a theme emerging here. At least you had tea and a cake, although you probably could have done with the Christmas display! Not sure if the bags of flowers are a good or bad thing. Good because they cover a bit of ground to stop weeds, or bad because you have to tend them. That’s a good load to get home on the bus though!
    The robin pics are great. You did well to get some good in focus close up before it decided to fly off. As for the sky, well it’s lovely. I saw a little bit of red in the sky tonight and was tempted to take a pic. Glad I didn’t now 😀

  2. The robin was the highlight of the day, he was desperate to get to the turned ground and see he could find!
    Saw it was going to be a lovely sky on my way back from the shop so managed to take those in the garden.
