Tuesday 30 October 2018

Hornsea is getting ready for remembrance

This morning the weather was miserable but I did manage an hour outside on the bed I started yesterday and filled another pink container with roots. Then I came in and made some more cards and I also mounted up the two I had coloured yesterday.
I decided to catch the bus up to Freeport, had a nice chat with Mags and she showed me a card she had made with a rose stamp set they had in the shop. It was reasonably priced so a I bought one. At the bus stop the poppies have started to appear, the town will be festooned soon.
This evening I did make a card with the rose stamp, also using some special tape for masking, it comes off the card without damaging the surface.


  1. You really do have a good selection of dies and stamps for making some impressive cards. Only another 40 or 50 to make for Christmas then you can start on......Easter I suppose. Feel as though I’ve missed one, but can’t think what.
    I love the poppy displays. Such a nice thing to do. Never see anything like that around here, although if we did I’m sure the oiks would destroy them :-( Will the vicarage be joining in with the display?
    The rose card looks very good. Lots of fine detail in that. Which I know isn’t easy to get when using stamps. I’m sure you’ll be using that design for a certain persons birthday at some point.

  2. We have the crosses to put out and Tina will be having a display in the church. A lot of the shops have poppy windows and I think the town will be awash before too long which is fantastic.
    I am enjoying making the cards and I like the die cuts and some of the new stamps.
